Arrow Glacier & Drygalsky Glacier

Arrow Glacier & Drygalsky Glacier

Perched at an elevation of 5,470 meters, Arrow Glacier, once part of Little
Arrow Glacier Camp

Arrow Glacier Camp

Explore Kilimanjaro's past at Arrow Glacier Camp, a snow-kissed haven with a unique
Barafu Camp

Barafu Camp

"Ascend Mount Kilimanjaro's Barafu Camp for an unforgettable high-altitude adventure. Stunning views, rugged

Credner Glacier

Nestled on the northwest slope of Kibo Peak on Mount Kilimanjaro, the Credner
Umbwe Gate Entrance to Mt Kilimanjaro via Umbwe Route

Umbwe Gate

Umbwe Gate serves as the primary entry point for adventurers on the thrilling